Artists Point rocky outcropping is a favorite place to paint, especially in summer (hence the name!). We can enjoy the warm sun plus the cool breeze off the water. There is plenty of room to set up easels, and there is an ever changing pattern of pools on the rocks. The water changes in color throughout the day, contrasting with the permanence of the rocks, adding to the challenge of painting.
Cascade State park was one of our stops during the week long painting intensive last summer. The park is named after the impressive waterfalls cascading over the rocks, but equally impressive is the stand of trees at the mouth of the river as it enters Lake Superior. The deepest part of the woods is barely penetrated by sunlight and smells of cedar, openings in the canopy add sparkle to the understory, and trees stand guard along the beach: a smorgasbord of painting delights!
This cattail pond is in a park we frequently paint at. The pond is a favorite subject and we have painted it in many seasons-it always looks different and has something exciting to interest us. Plus there are bathrooms nearby and even a picnic area for us to have our lunch in the nice weather.